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Ahşap İçin Panel Ebatlama Makineleri SELCO WN 7: Fotoğraf 1
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Nümerik kontrollü panel ebatlama merkezi

Yüksek verimliliğe sahip teknoloji
SELCO WN 7, tek kesim hattına sahip panel ebatlama makineleri serisinin en üstünde yer alır: kısaltılmış çalışma sürelerinde yüksek performans sayesinde orta ve büyük ölçekli mobilya üreticilerinin ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabilir.
Increased productivity by up to 60%, optimum management of production efficiencies and a ROI within the first year. The Twin Pusher, an exclusive patent for all Biesse beam saws, consists of two complementary pushing devices. An additional stop allows the independent sectioning of strips up to 1200mm wide.
Technological solutions for every machining need
PFS function for making cuts on soft and post-formed panels. A special NC program that ensures the perfect finish of both the entrance point and the exit profile, preventing any splintering of fragile, delicate materials (patented).
Ahşap İçin Panel Ebatlama Makineleri SELCO WN 7: Fotoğraf 2
Two independent cutting stations on a single beam saw.
Increase productivity by up to 60%
An auxiliary pushing device consisting of two independent grippers with numerical control side positioning. An additional stop allows the independent sectioning of strips up to 1200mm wide.
Ahşap İçin Panel Ebatlama Makineleri SELCO WN 7: Fotoğraf 3
Stechert Group
Müşteri Hikayeleri
Stechert Group
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