Siamo al tuo fianco per supportarti al meglio e in totale sicurezza. Per questo motivo, abbiamo pensato di riservare speciali vantaggi e premiare coloro che hanno attivato la piattaforma SOPHIA IoT, per consentirti di sfruttarla al massimo.
Biesse guarantees spare parts, services and the delivery of machines, despite a production slowdown for the good of the population
Biesse has received the urgent national measures designed to contain COVID-19 and issued by the President of the Council on Sunday, 22 March, as well as similar laws adopted in countries where the group operates.
This is the stage upon which contact between the key players - the customer and the machines - is established, as explained by Marco Toti, responsible for the Biesse showrooms in Pesaro.
Biesse Deutschland has made another step along its path to success. At the beginning of March, the business will move into its new building, the Ulm campus in a new business park in Nersingen, near Ulm.